August 10 – September 23, 2013
Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art, Sunderland, SR1 1RE
The desire to read a work of art is the annihilation of the possibility of experiencing that work of art.
— Carl Andre
We say: Whatever, Carl . . . . perhaps you should learn to read differently.
Photo: Craig Dworkin, FACT (rug), 2013.
Photo: Simon Morris & Nick Thurston, Learn to Read Differently – Assisted John Baldessari Print, 2013.
This exhibition was commissioned and curated by Circa (Newcastle). It presents poetic art works by Kate Briggs (Paris), Craig Dworkin (Utah), Simon Morris (Middlesborough), Lucia della Paolera (Brooklyn) and Nick Thurston (Leeds) that have, or will be, published by IAM. It also presents related art works by Kenneth Goldsmith (New York), Garry Neill Kennedy (Halifax, CA), Gareth Long (New York), Greville Worthington (Catterick) and an online-only collaboration between Thurston and Robert Fitterman (New York) hosted on
On the invitation card (above), in the gallery, and online, Learn to Read Differently proposes a method of making art works through and as ‘conceptualist reading performances.’ This method presses the aesthetic legacy conventionally attributed to Conceptual art onto disparate notions of writing (from the literary to that of data management) to produce materially-specific poems as art works that have somehow re-read a thing (an idea, an object, etc.) that was already in the world.
This is an art of reading things differently. It starts from a premise proved by the impossibility of making purely conceptual art: that art is always aesthetical and conceptual. To that it couples an obsession with language — as both signifier and material, and as always socio-historically codified. In doing so, it establishes a mode of making art that asks: What could we write if reading could be a materially productive act of making art? How might a certain kind of reading-as-making problematise the understandings of authorship, production and reproduction ensconced in our cultural industries?
All of these art works celebrate reading differently as a praxis of exploring the elsewhere of what languages and their users can mean and do. In collaboration with Circa, this project continues information as material’s commitment to working with other people and against all-too-certain counter-productive divisions between contemporary art and contemporary literature.
Curated by Dawn Bothwell and Sam Watson.
Learn to Read Differently
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- Events
13 March 1911
Weaving Language
On the Literary Means of Representing the Powerful as Powerless
Perfect Love
Last Words
Reading Matters
Eulogy for David Antin in English English
Calvariae Disjecta: The many hauntings of Burton Agnes Hall
Reading as Art
Twelve Erroneous Displacements and a Fact
Cartography for Girls
Magritte for Cheerleaders
(Expanded Second Edition)
Nothing: A User’s Manual
Getting Inside Simon Morris’ Head
Spanish Do or DIY translation
German Do or DIY translation
The Nabokov Paper
I, Sparkie
Dis Manibus: A Taxonomy of Ghosts from Popular Forms
Learn to Read Differently
Of the Subcontract, Or Principles of Poetic Right
Page 141 2
Jaap Blonk, Poet-in-Residence at Shandy Hall
Garry Neill Kennedy, Artist-in-Residence at Shandy Hall
Freud on Holiday: Appendices III and IV, plus full wrapped set
Pigeon Reader
Enchiridion: three manoeuvres by Tim Brennan in NE Scotland
Do or DIY – exhibition 2
Do or DIY – pocketbook
Do or DIY – exhibition 1
Sucking on Words poetry readings
The Man Booker Shortlist Quiz!
Reisen II
Exercise in Pathetic Criticism
The Persons
Freud’s Weather
Howl #16
Have a Peck at Perec, tote bag
Frued’s Dining
Bibliomancy: Lotsa Fun For All The Family
The Forgetting of a Proper Name
Summer School for Literary Perverts
Poetry Readings in Leeds
Instruction Manual
information as material residency
Re-Writing Freud app
Getting Inside Jack Kerouac’s Head
Making Nothing Happen DVD
The Perverse Library
The Perverse Library exhibition
Robert Fitterman & Kim Rosenfield Residency
Freud and the Gift of Flowers
Reisen I
Marie-Josée Jean & Klaus Scherübel Residency
Historico-naturalis et Archaeologica ex Dale Street
Craig Dworkin Residency
The Voice and Nothing More: an academic mash up
Spinning Vol. II: De-Centering the Self
A Perverse Library
An Agent of the Estate
A Disturbance of Memory
Iam Survey Exhibition
A One Day Bookshop for Experimental Literature
Kenneth Goldsmith Residency
sucking on words DVD
Historia Abscondita (An Index of Joy)
L’esprit d’escalier
We Report Here
Deciphering Human Chromosone 16: Index to the Report
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Reading the Remove of Literature
Thesaurus Scienta Lancastriae
Freud Dreams of Rome
Re-Writing Freud
The Answer to the Question
Royal Road to the Unconscious
bibliomania 2000-2001
Interpretation vol.I
Interpretation vol. II
bibliomania 1998-1999