Buying information as material editions:
Please contact simon [at] informationasmaterial [dot] org directly for details about the availability, technical specifications, and price of any editions listed in the Portfolio.
Buying information as material publications:
All of our publications (including the DVD format films) are distributed internationally by Cornerhouse Publications (UK). Contact them directly via: publications [at] cornerhouse [dot] org / +44 161 212 3466 / 2 Tony Wilson Place, First Street, Manchester, M15 4FN..
You can view and buy our publications directly online via the Cornerhouse catalogue.
If the publication that you’re looking for isn’t listed on their catalogue it may be because many of our publications are now, sadly out of print. Archive copies are kept by the imprint for exhibition and research purposes. Contact simon [at] informationasmaterial [dot] org with full details about your project if you’re looking for a copy of one of our oop publications.
However, Cornerhouse is a central distributor for lots of specialist bookstores and libraries; plus, since iam’s inception our books have be bought in consignment for re-sale by specialist stores around the world. Contact any of the stockists listed below if it’s cheaper or easier for you — some of them will have remaining copies of oop books.
Book stockists:
Below is a list of some stockists where we know some of the rarer iam books have been found before.
*We would like to compile a fuller list of stockists. If you stock iam publications, or know of somewhere that does, please send the venue name and contact details to simon [at] informationasmaterial [dot] org. Equally, if you’d like to iam books please contact Simon as well.
Arnolfini Bookshop, Bristol: bookshop [at] arnolfini [dot] org [uk] / +44 (0)117 9172300 / 16 NARROW QUAY, BRISTOL BS1 4QA
Bookartbookshop, London: t [dot] pei [at] btinternet [dot] com / +44 20 7608 1333 / 7 Pitfield Street, Hoxton, London N1 6HB
Cornerhouse, Manchester: publications [at] cornerhouse [dot] org / +44 161 228 7621 / 70 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 5NH
Koenig Books, London (various): 020 7240 8190 / 80 Charing Cross Road WC2H 0BF; 020 7706 4907 / Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, W2 3XA; 020 7522 7897 / Whitechapel Gallery 77-82 Whitechapel High Street, E1 7QX
X Marks the Bokship, London: bokship [at] googlemail [dot] com / 210, Unit 3 Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9NQ
Barbara Wien: info [at] barbarawien [dot] de / +49 (0)30 2838 5352 / Schöneberger Ufer 65, 3. OG, D – 10785 Berlin
Johan Deumens Gallery: info [at] johandeumens [dot] com / +31 (0)6 22 45 15 45 / Gallery address: Gabriel Metsustraat 8, 1st Floor, 1071 EA, Amsterdam (appointment only) / Correspondence address: Dr. N. G> Personstraat 1, 2104 VG, Heemstede
Motto: mottodistribution [at] gmail [dot] com / +49 (0)30 75442119 / Skalitzer Str. 68, im Hinterhof, 10997 Berlin
(North America)
SPD: spd [at] spdbooks [dot] org / +01 (510) 524 1664 or (800) 869 7553 / 1341 Seventh Street, Berkeley, CA 94710-1409
Printed Matter: shannon [at] printedmatter [dot] org / +01 212 925 0325 / 195 10th Avenue, New York, NY 10011
Art Metropole: info [at] artmetropole [dot] com / 416 703 4400 / 1490 Dundas Street West, Toronto ON, Canada, M6K 1T5